Our Commitment

At AuraChiSpace, we are dedicated to providing high-quality crystals and related products that enhance personal and environmental harmony. As a seller, we undertake the following responsibilities to ensure the accuracy of information and customer satisfaction.

1. Information Accuracy

  • Scientific Basis: We ensure that the information provided about crystal energy and effects is scientifically based or clearly marked as traditional beliefs and not scientifically validated.
  • Disclaimer: We explicitly state that crystal energy therapy should not replace professional medical advice and treatment. We recommend that users seek help from doctors or professional medical personnel for health issues.

2. Transparency

  • Material Source: We transparently disclose the source of the crystals to ensure their authenticity and quality.
  • Usage Guide: We provide accurate usage guides to inform users how to properly use the crystals to achieve the best effects.

3. Consumer Protection

  • Safe Usage: We inform users of any potential risks or side effects (if any), such as the chemical composition of certain crystals that may adversely affect specific groups.
  • Appropriate Use: We advise users not to use crystals for unverified extreme purposes, such as substituting them for medication or other essential treatments.

4. Truthful Advertising

  • Truthful Description: We avoid exaggerating the effects of crystals and do not engage in false advertising. All descriptions of crystal energy are honest and reliable.
  • User Experience Sharing: If we quote user experience, we note that it is personal experience and does not represent universal effects.

5. Legal Compliance

  • Advertising Regulations: We comply with advertising regulations to ensure that we do not violate relevant laws when promoting crystal energy.
  • Product Liability: We ensure that our products do not harm consumers during sale and use and take responsibility for product safety.

6. Customer Education

  • Proper Guidance: We guide consumers correctly through blogs, articles, and other forms, providing educational content about crystal energy to help users make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Expectation Management: We help consumers set reasonable expectations and do not exaggerate crystal energy as a universal remedy.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about our products, this disclaimer,  please contact us via:

Customer Service Email: support@aurachispace.com

Thank you for your understanding and support of AuraChiSpace.

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